The Faith Church of South Tulsa had a problem with the concrete outside their building. They were concerned that churchgoers might be in danger when coming in and out and wanted a long-term solution.
The Faith Church of South Tulsa has many visitors throughout the week and even more on weekends, as you can imagine. The heavy foot traffic and high volume of cars in the parking lot had worn down the concrete sidewalk leading to the church and needed replacing.
They called OKCrete, we we assessed the problem and what needed to be done, the got to work. OKCrete had the exact tools, trucks, and materials needed to repair the church’s concrete sidewalk and keep it solid for years.
The Faith Church of South Tulsa soon had a brand new, beautiful, safe sidewalk to transport their patrons to and from the parking lot and church. We installed over 30 feet of new concrete outside the church in a short time so the sidewalk could be used as quickly as possible and with minimal inconvenience.